Friday, May 4, 2012

The Quiet...

I love the ellipsis!  Do I over use it? Sure I do!  But that's part of my literary expression.  We all have a particular aspect of writing that gives us the good 'ole shivers.  It's why we're wordsmiths.  The curious thing about writing something on a frequent basis (4-6 times per week) is we think there's nothing to say.

How can that be?  There's a word full of thoughts and ideas that are only a few clicks away.  What's the problem with coming up with a couple hundred words about something.  But that's just it, we are overloaded with information!  The job of a frequent writer (a.k.a. blogger) is to carve out just the right information that will satiate our followers and provide some new tidbit (or a big tidbit) of information that we didn't know before.

When I think of writing as an occupation, I thought of the process (which I depicted with cute cartoons earlier this week) of writing and I smiled.  I enjoyed the inner tussle of picking a topic and honing it to find the right voice and viewpoint to best showcase the idea.  Then, to use the right wording to present the material in a fun way that can enlighten and entertain.  Before I knew it, I was having a good 'ole time -- with myself.

As writers, we do that -- we enjoy our imaginations in our own minds, by ourselves.  Many of us, by nature, are introverts.  We sort of have to be because we live in our minds.  Don't get me wrong, we can be extroverted and social.  Look at book promoting; it's got to be done!

But Susan Cain, seen below in a recent TED talk, says that, "Solitude Matters.  For some people it is the air that they breathe..."  She speaks about introverts and their power and how introverts are very key to advancing new thoughts, inventions and creativity.


She feels that people should have the ability to "go off by themselves" to create and invent then come together with their colleagues, or teams, to collaborate and work to further the project they're working towards.  But this is not done, we are asked to work in a team at all points to get it done.  However, where's the balance point in all of this to provide the space and energy that introverts need to form their ideas and solutions?

Sure, I feel strongly about this topic because I too am an introvert.  I've always needed "alone" time in order to sort Life out.  Little did I know I was also processing experiences and observations that would later form the basis of stories.

What's really wonderful is Susan asks us collectively, "To stop the madness for constant group work."  She believes that people should come together socially at work and collaborate but there should be time for solitary time because that's where the deep thoughts and great ideas come from "because the world needs you and the [passion] you carry".

Find out more about Susan's ideas in her book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.


  1. Great post -- Thank you so much!

    Susan Cain

  2. You're very welcome, Susan. Thank you for writing a book that speaks to so many writers, artists and so many other creative people. After reading the book, I will post a review here as well. Maybe we could do a short author interview with a couple of questions as well. In any case, thank you!
