Sunday, March 17, 2013

Book Review: Someone to Cherish by Kate Rothwell

The story began in the early 1900's and drew me in with the strong female lead of Callie Scott and her little hairless dog, Mauschen.  With pride, frank speech and an innocence that is almost otherworldly, Callie captures your heart and attention just as she captured Detective Cutter's.  He's the one copper in town that seems to give a hoot about Callie and her plight.  Through her naivety and ignorance, Callie was rounded up with an unsavory group and Society has written her off!

However, the division of classes is still extremely strong and is a deciding factor.  No matter their feelings for one another Society had to be appeased and the hive-mind Society's mandates had to be followed.  The noble Cutter finds Callie's family and off she goes back into its bosom.  Or, does she?

With a knack for getting into trouble, Callie falls victim to yet another unscrupulous scheme and Cutter makes it his business to get her out of harm's way.  When Callie's kidnapped, Cutter's not there to save her and her life and reputation are at stake.

Can Detective Cutter put the pieces of this latest puzzle together and find Callie before it's too late?  More importantly, can he find a way to be with the woman he loves without Society casting her aside?

Someone to Cherish by Kate Rothwell is beautifully written.  The characters are realistic and read true through and through.  If you love a good old-fashioned love story -- this one's for you!

4 1/2  Blogairy Notebooks