Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gearing up for NaNoWriMo!

So, for my entire writing life I haven't bothered with NaNoWriMo.  I've peshawed the entire angst of trying to write a 50,000 word novel in a measly 30 days.  Why?  Because I'm above reproach?  Because I do not deign to mingle with the rabid competitive writers that hold up their yearly wins and bash any with their prizes and status for not participating?  No!

I just never bothered because I thought I was too busy with life's other responsibilities.  In looking at it this year, the kids are older and I'm more sane (or, so I'd like to think!).  National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) now looks appealing, challenging and the great take-away?  Anything you do consistently for 21 (or 28 depending upon which system you follow...) becomes a habit.  So, writing about 1700 words a day becoming a habit does not sound like a bad idea to me! :-)

It's not too late to join, either.  There are 3 days left in which to come up with an idea and an outline for your novel.  Yeah -- you can do that!  But, no writing of the novel!  That's cheating.  Because think about it, if you wait until 11/1 to create the novel idea and figure out the plot structure and characterization, you'll have used up practically all of the 30 days.  This way, you hit the ground running and just have to flesh out your skeleton story.

Get more deets here.  Registration is fun and easy.  Join the group closest to your region for cheerleader emails and information.  If you're in the NYC area, there's going to be a kick-off party on Friday, November 2nd at 6pm in Lower Manhattan where you will meet with other wordies and wordsmiths who can become your NaNoWriMo writing buddies.

Get off your duffus, dust off your keyboard and start plotting your new novel today!

Ta-ta for now,
NoteBook Blogairy

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